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It’s about people. About us and you. It’s about all of us.

Together we can find a way to restore the landscape, the water and our relationship to it. The mission of the endowment fund is to preserve the spiritual heritage of the indigenous people of the KOGI tribe and cultural exchange with contemporary society. Our activities come to life and grow. If you have the desire, the means and the determination to make the necessary changes and not just talk about them, please join us.

You can participate in long-term collections with your gift - by entering a standing or one-time order to a transparent account 2001621481/2010

You can support the endowment fund directly by sending a donation to your account, by supporting a campaign on or by participating in our events.

You can find the dates of the next meetings here


Work in our country

We draw on the natural learning that happens by being together and doing what is needed at the time. The School of Natural Wisdom has been evolving since 2011, when the bridge between the indigenous culture of the Kogi tribe and us was first opened. It makes sense for us to pass this on.

Creating a School of Natural Wisdom

We draw on the natural learning that happens by being together and doing what is needed at the time. The School of Natural Wisdom has been evolving since 2011, when the bridge between the indigenous culture of the Kogi tribe and us was first opened. It makes sense for us to pass this on.
The long-term intention of the Mosty-Puentes Endowment Fund is to collect and purchase land that is close to places of historical and spiritual significance for our country. Our interest is to build a bridge between our culture and the indigenous culture of the Kogi tribe and to actively participate in the restoration of the ecosystem and the internal balance of the people.

Site management

The long-term intention of the Mosty-Puentes Endowment Fund is to collect and purchase land that is close to places of historical and spiritual significance for our country. Our interest is to build a bridge between our culture and the indigenous culture of the Kogi tribe and to actively participate in the restoration of the ecosystem and the internal balance of the people.
We initiated the transformation of the old landfill at the Kamenice spring into a resting place. About 100 people gathered, including children from the surrounding villages, and the buried spring was cleaned. Work on restoring the site continues. The place and the feelings of the people who enter it come to life.

Kamenice spring

We initiated the transformation of the old landfill at the Kamenice spring into a resting place. About 100 people gathered, including children from the surrounding villages, and the buried spring was cleaned. Work on restoring the site continues. The place and the feelings of the people who enter it come to life.

Endowment fund partners

earth flower
Tesco Foundation
Life without barriers
Via Foundation